7840001650 (College), 7035670356 (Hospital)

Public Health Dentistry

Dr. Vikram Arora
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Vikram Arora
Dr. Vikram  Arora


Reader & Department Incharge, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry

Experience - 9 Years

Dr. Vikram  Arora

Completed his BDS from Institute of Dental Studies and Technologies, Meerut in 2011 and MDS from

Kothiwal Dental College & Research Centre, Moradabad in 2014. He is having 45 International and

National publications in esteemed journals and presented Scientific Papers at various conferences. He is

the reviewer for International Health care Research Journal & International Journal of Scientific Study.

He is the co-guide in ICMR Research Project – Risk Indicators for Root caries among 65-74 years geriatric

population of Muradnagar, Ghaziabad.

Dr. Vikram  Arora

Qualification: BDS / MDS

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Vikram  Arora

Specialization -  Dental Consultant

He is a tobacco cessation expert and done thousands of counselling and assist many people in quitting
their tobacco habit. He is a research expert with more than 45 research paper published in various
national and International esteemed journals. He is the co guide in ICMR Research project- Risk
Indicators for Root caries among 65-74 years geriatric population of Muradnagar, Ghaziabad.
Dr. Amit Chauhan
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Amit Chauhan
Dr. Amit Chauhan

Designation: BDS Tutor

Experience - 7 Years

Dr. Amit Chauhan

·  Good diagnostic skills using clinical knowledge & X-rays. 

·  Good verbal & written communicating skills. 

·  Good knowledge of clinical practices & protocols 

·  Expertise in scaling, fillings, extraction of single & multi rooted teeth, composite & amalgam restorations, RCT, complete & removable denture fabrication. 

·  Flexible & adaptable; sound knowledge of dentistry. 

·  Disciplined, sincere & hardworking. 

Dr. Amit Chauhan

Qualification: BDS

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Amit Chauhan

Specialization -  Dental Consultant

Dr. Ankur Gupta
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Ankur Gupta
Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

Designation: BDS Tutor

Experience - 5 Years

Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

·  Good diagnostic skills using clinical knowledge & X-rays. 

·  Good knowledge of clinical practices & protocols 

·  Expertise in scaling, fillings, extraction of single & multi rooted teeth, composite & amalgam restorations, RCT, complete &          removable denture fabrication. 

·  Flexible & adaptable; sound knowledge of dentistry. 

·  Disciplined, sincere & hardworking. 

Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

Qualification: BDS

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

Specialization -  Dental Consultant

Dr. Nasruddin
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Nasruddin
Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

Designation: BDS Tutor

Experience - 3 Years

Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

·  Good diagnostic skills using clinical knowledge & X-rays. 

·  Good knowledge of clinical practices & protocols 

·  Expertise in scaling, fillings, extraction of single & multi rooted teeth, composite & amalgam restorations, RCT, complete &          removable denture fabrication. 

·  Flexible & adaptable; sound knowledge of dentistry. 

·  Disciplined, sincere & hardworking. 

Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

Qualification: BDS

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

Specialization -  Dental Consultant

Dr. Naved Khan
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Naved Khan
Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

Designation: BDS Tutor

Experience - 2.5 Years

Dr. Naved Khan

·  Good diagnostic skills using clinical knowledge & X-rays. 

·  Good knowledge of clinical practices & protocols 

·  Expertise in scaling, fillings, extraction of single & multi rooted teeth, composite & amalgam restorations, RCT, complete &          removable denture fabrication. 

·  Flexible & adaptable; sound knowledge of dentistry. 

·  Disciplined, sincere & hardworking. 

Dr. Naved Khan

Qualification: BDS

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Naved Khan

Specialization -  Dental Consultant

Dr. Nikki Bhati
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Nikki Bhati
Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

Designation: BDS Tutor

Experience - 2.5 Years

Dr. Naved Khan

·  Good diagnostic skills using clinical knowledge & X-rays. 

·  Good knowledge of clinical practices & protocols 

·  Expertise in scaling, fillings, extraction of single & multi rooted teeth, composite & amalgam restorations, RCT, complete &          removable denture fabrication. 

·  Flexible & adaptable; sound knowledge of dentistry. 

·  Disciplined, sincere & hardworking. 

Dr. Naved Khan

Qualification: BDS

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Nikki Bhati

Specialization -  Dental Consultant

Dr. Isha Singh
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Isha Singh
Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

Designation: BDS Tutor

Experience - 2 Years

Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

·  Good diagnostic skills using clinical knowledge & X-rays. 

·  Good knowledge of clinical practices & protocols 

·  Expertise in scaling, fillings, extraction of single & multi rooted teeth, composite & amalgam restorations, RCT, complete &          removable denture fabrication. 

·  Flexible & adaptable; sound knowledge of dentistry. 

·  Disciplined, sincere & hardworking. 

Dr. Saurabh  Gupta

Qualification: BDS

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Isha Singh

Specialization -  Dental Consultant