General Medicine
General Medicine is one of the most important branches of Clinical practice. It covers various aspects of healthcare. We have dedicated 30 beds under this discipline & all types of patients related to cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurology & other systemic diseases are treated in all respect.
This branch is well supported by ICU which is fully equipped with cardiac monitors & pulse oxymeter & with ventilator facilities. Department is having 24 hrs Lab facility and moreover this department is under the supervision of highly qualified well trained & dedicated team of doctors
This branch is well supported by ICU which is fully equipped with cardiac monitors & pulse oxymeter & with ventilator facilities. Department is having 24 hrs Lab facility and moreover this department is under the supervision of highly qualified well trained & dedicated team of doctors
General Surgery
General Surgery is one of the most important branches of Clinical practice. It covers various aspects of healthcare. We have dedicated 30 beds under this discipline & all types of patients related to cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurology & other systemic diseases are treated in all respect.
Surgery is that branch of science which cures diseases or injury by manual operation or by medication. General Surgery is taught to IIlrd year B.O.S. students through didactic sessions and clinical cases which are obtained in the General Hospital. Emphasis is laid on the clinical approach to the patients disease as a whole and the different modalities of surgical treatment. At ITS we have a surgical O.P.D. with a high inflow of patients for whom meticulous treatment is provided at a nominal rate.
Due to the strategic location of the college on the highway, we are always ready to take and treat emergency situations incurred by patients. We also are placed in a rural area and are the main hope for people in ill health in these areas. A well¬equipped operation theatre and efficient radiological & diagnostic back-up are our strong points. The Dept. of General Surgery has adequate experienced teaching faculty and also resident doctors to treat emergencies.