7840001650 (College), 7035670356 (Hospital)


Dr. Rohit Kochhar
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Rohit Kochhar
Dr. Rohit Kochhar

Designation: Professor & Head of Conservative & Endodontics

Experience - 24.10 Years

Dr. Rohit Kochhar

Achievements and Academic Pursuits

â–ªAlumni of Saveetha Dental College, Chennai 1999
â–ª Sr. Consultant at various leading hospitals and dental clinics in the NCR region.
â–ª Currently practicing in South Delhi & Noida.
▪ Reviewer for National journal – Journal of Conservative Dentistry (JCD).
â–ª More than 35 National & International Journals.
â–ª Recognised and awarded by IACDE for significant contribution to the society.


â–ª Life Member of
â–ª Indian Endodontic Society (IES)
â–ª Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics (IACDE)
â–ª Academy of Oral Implantology (AOI),  Indian society for Dental research (ISDR)
                                                            â–ª Formerly, President of Association of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics of New Delhi Branch(ACED)
                                                            â–ª Past Vice president of Indian Dental association, Noida branch
                                                            â–ª Past Vice president of Indian Association of Cons & Endodontics( IACDE)

                                                            â–ª Past Executive Committee member of Indian Endodontic Society(IES)
Dr. Rohit Kochhar

Qualification: BDS, MDS (Conservative & Endodontics)

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Rohit Kochhar

Specialization -  Endodontist

Dr. Manju Kumari
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Manju Kumari
Dr. Manju Kumari

Designation: Professor Conservative & Endodontics

Experience - 19.2 Years

Dr. Manju Kumari

She has been teaching for the last 15 years. She is a member of Pierre Fauchard Academy international, Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics (IACDE) and Indian Society for dental Research (ISDR). She has published more than 30 publications in international and national indexed journals. She has been associated as external examiner for number of undergraduate examinations conducted by different universities. She was associated with various national & international conferences and also chaired faculty & student paper sessions. She was scientific convener in the 16th IACDE & IES PG Convention held on 4th – 6th June 2015 at ITS-CDSR, Muradnagar, Ghaziabad and was also Organizing Joint Secretary in 1st IACDE North Zonal Conference held on 20th-22nd September 2018 at ITS Dental College, Greater Noida. Participated in the National Survey on availability of Dental Health Manpower under prevalence of Dental Diseases in Urban and Rural India (Delhi and NCR areas) in 2010.

Dr. Manju Kumari

Qualification: BDS, MDS (Conservative & Endodontics) 
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Manju Kumari

Specialization - Endodontist

Dr. Mansi Punjabi
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Mansi Punjabi
Dr. Mansi Punjabi

Designation: Reader - Conservative & Endodontics

Experience: 7.10 Years

Dr. Mansi Punjabi

She had worked with Dr. Vikas Sethi at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital as an Endodontist from July 2016 to February 2017. She has four (04) years of experience as an Endodontist. 

She is highly skilled, competent clinician and specializes in Root Canal Treatments, Post and Core,  Porcelain Veneers, Crowns and Bridges, Scaling and Polishing, Bleaching teeth to restore natural color, Porcelain inlays and onlaysTeeth Reshaping, Restore the form and function of carious and fractured teeth, Discolored Tooth Restoration, Dental Restoration etc She has publications in national journals of high repute.

She is the member of Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics (IACDE) and Indian Dental Association (IDA).

She was awarded for best Poster at SRM Kattankulathur Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu in 2014

Dr. Mansi Punjabi

Qualification: BDS, MDS (Conservative & Endodontics)

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Mansi Punjabi

Specialization -  Endodontist

Dr. Apoorva Sharma
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Apoorva Sharma
Dr. Apoorva Sharma

Designation : Reader in the department of the Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics in the department of the Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics in the department of the Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics in the department of the Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

Experience - 5.2 Years

Dr. Sonal Soi

  • Senior endodontist with 3.5  years  teaching experience
  • Has performed more than 300 RCT's.
  • Keen interest in managing endodontic mishaps and retreatment endodontics.
Dr. Sonal Soi

Qualification: BDS, MDS (Conervative & Endodontics)

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Sonal Soi

Specialization - Endodontist

Dr. Navneet Kaur
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Navneet Kaur
Dr. Mansi Punjabi

Designation: Senior Lecturer- Conservative & Endodontics

Experience: 3 Years

Dr. Mansi Punjabi

Dr. Navneet Kaur is an endodontist with an excellent clinical record. She is a specialist in Root canal Treatment, Single sitting RCT, Cosmetic treatments. She has performed  1000+ RCTs and Restorations. She holds a strong hand is esthetic dental procedures such as veneers, bleaching and smile designing. She judiciously follows a patient oriented approach for her procedures.

Dr. Mansi Punjabi

Qualification: BDS, MDS (Conservative & Endodontics)

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Mansi Punjabi

Specialization -  Endodontist

Dr. Shubhangi GUpta
Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Shubhangi GUpta
Dr. Mansi Punjabi

Designation: Senior Lecturer- Conservative & Endodontics

Experience: 2 Years

Dr. Mansi Punjabi

She is BDS from Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore and MDS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) from SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad

Dr. Shubhangi Gupta is an endodontist with an excellent clinical record. She is a specialist in Root canal Treatment, Single sitting RCT, 

Dr. Mansi Punjabi

Qualification: BDS, MDS (Conservative & Endodontics)

Specialization and Expertise
Dr. Mansi Punjabi

Specialization -  Endodontist