Towards Patients
- To instill a positive attitude and behavior in children and parents towards oral health and understand the principles of prevention and preventive dentistry right from birth to adolescence that will last lifelong.
- Providing quality and standard preventive, comprehensive and therapeutic treatment to all the patients.
- To manage the physically and mentally challenged children effectively and efficiently, tailored to the needs of individual requirement and conditions.
Towards Students
- To impart the sound knowledge of bases of pediatric dentistry.
- Teaching of special behavior management skills in dealing with the child patient, keeping in mind the physiological and psychological differences between a child, an adult patient and a special child.
- Special emphasis is laid on teaching of preventive procedures.
- Preventive Measures
- Dental counselling of parents and patients.
- Demonstration of proper brushing techniques and oral hygiene aids
- Knowledge regarding preventive dental measures – topical fluorides, pit and fissure sealants, diet counselling and importance of recall visits.
- Strict sterilization protocol is followed.
- Special stress is given on waste management protocol
- Dental health educative posters of patient’s interest and comprehension have been displayed in the waiting area
- Dental health educative pamphlets are given to patients.

The objective of the department is that the post graduate student should be able to create a good oral health in child,instill positive attitude and behavior in children,understand the principles of prevention and preventive dentistry from birth to adolescence, guide and counsel the parents in regard to various treatment modalities and post graduate students also aquire the experience to carryout research projects,to critically evaluate scientific publications and to communicate clinical and research papers in journals and conferences. The teaching programme includes the basic medical science also.The detailed and documented records are to be maintained by students for all the academic activities,preclinical work,case done along with special case under general anesthesia and conscious sedation.The students will be specialized for managing the children so as to provide the effective and efficient treatment.
The post graduate programme focuses on inculcate academic proficiency as well as management skills of cases that require advanced behviour management technique,surgical processes, early intervention of caries with prevention of same and trauma.