"Ragging is a serious offcence under Indian Penal code. The Institute has zero tolerance towards Ragging."
The Institute Grants Commission has reiterated the ban on ragging of learners in Institutions of Higher Education. The learners admitted in the ITS Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre are therefore directed to strictly desist from any kind of ragging in the college premises.
Display of noisy, disorderly conduct, teasing, excitement by rough or rude treatment or handling, including rowdy, undisciplined activities which cause or likely to cause annoyance, undue hardship, physical or psychological harm or raise apprehensive fear in a fresher, or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such a student will not do in the ordinary course and which causes him/her shame or embarrassment or danger to his/her life, etc.
Following Punishment may be given to the learners for Participation in/or Abetment of Ragging :-
1. Cancellation of admission from the college.2. Suspension from attending lectures and practicals.
3. Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.
4. Debarring from appearing in any Internal /semester end examination or other evaluation process.
5. Withholding results of Internal /semester end examination of the college.
6. Suspension/expulsion from the college hostel.
7. Rustication from the institution for periods varying from 1 to 4 semesters or equivalent period.
8. Expulsion from the college and consequent debarring from admission to any other college/institution.

The Institute Grants Commission has reiterated the ban on ragging of learners in Institutions of Higher Education. The learners admitted in the ITS Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre are therefore directed to strictly desist from any kind of ragging in the college premises.
The Institute Grants Commission has reiterated the ban on ragging of learners in Institutions of Higher Education. The learners admitted in the ITS Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre are therefore directed to strictly desist from any kind of ragging in the college premises.
As per the Guidelines by the Ministry of Women & Child Welfare GOI, the institute has an active and well constructed Women’s
1. The Women’s Grievances
2. All the complaints pertaining to any grievances by a woman/girl need to be addressed to the women’s grievances cell One can directly contact any member of the cell in person and / or via social media and/or via email to womengrievancecell.dntl.gn@its.edu.in
The Women’s Grievance Committee has the following members:-
S. No. | Name | Committee Designation | Department |
1 | Dr. Mousumi Goswami | Chairperson & Head of the Committee | Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Pedodontics |
2 | Dr. Rupali Kalsi | Executive Member of the Committee | Prof., Dept. of Periodontics |
3 | Dr. Amrita Puri | Executive Member of the Committee | Prof., Dept. of Orthodontics |
4 | Dr. Pranshi Tripathi | Executive Member of the Committee | Lecturer, Dept. of Biochemistry |
3. Incidences of outraging the modesty of a woman/Girl, misconduct, abuse of any kind, lewd & personal comments and others as mentioned in the GOI guidelines & dossier would be dealt with Zero tolerance Policy.
4. Any false cases of allegations, defamation, and character assassination shall also be dealt with the same intensity & purpose.
Women / Girls need to be respected at all times and we need to ensure a congenial environment for their working.